Friday, October 10, 2014

This is the first day of the healthier me!!!

My daughter took this picture of me this morning.
Not too flattering huh?

So yesterday was actually the first day of my healthier me, but I didn't get a chance to write about it.  Let me start at the beginning.

I have never been a thin person...maybe once or twice when I was in my late teens and early 20's.  However it never lasted for longer then about a year.  I am curvy.  I have a large bust (even when I was thin) and I have curvy hips/thighs.  Mostly I have been ok with that since I got married almost 18 years ago.  My husband loves me and still tells me how beautiful and hot I am!  (yes I know he is crazy but he is my crazy!!!) Then one day I was flipping through photos on my phone. My daughter loves to take my phone and make videos and snap all kinds of pictures.  I never know what I will find!  This is what I found....

This is a picture of my friend and I visiting on our loveseat.  When I saw this picture I thought to myself "Holy Cow! Look how much of the loveseat I take up!!!"  This was a slap in the face into reality.  I never saw myself in the mirror like this.  I guess I had rose colored glasses on!  So, to tell you how I got this I don't eat bon bons all day..   About 2-3 years ago, I started jogging, I actually started to lose weight.  The kind that people notice!  However, my body did not like me doing that.  I hated every step too!  I have inherited problems with my feet.  My mom has had the same problems I am having for quite some time, so when I told her about my foot pains, she knew exactly what it was.  She was correct!  I went to her foot doctor and he confirmed that I have plantar fasciitis.  I actually have a pretty severe case of it.  I have had one foot surgery and will be having another in the next week.  Having these problems have really effected my ability to be active.  We have always been a hiking, taking walks, active kind of a family.  However, this foot pain has pretty much taken me out of all of that.  So I went to my general doctor and asked if he could help me.  I am currently at the heaviest I have ever been while not pregnant.  I have 5 children and was basically pregnant or nursing from 1998 until 2006!  I have tried programs without success.  So my Dr. put me on a 1400 calorie diet and prescribed me an appetite suppressant.  Since I still can not exercise, the 1400 calorie diet should help me loose weight.  
I have no delusions that I will be a size 2, but I do have the desire to be able to hike with my family again, to have the energy to keep up with my kids, to be able to take a walk with my husband! ( plus I want to feel sexy again!) 

So, Why am I telling you all this??  Simple.  I need you to pray for me, to encourage me, and to keep me accountable. 

 If you are walking through this kind of journey, I would love to hear what has worked for you! I am excited about this new adventure, I have high hopes!  

Many blessings to you all!

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